I had to think of a poor man’s love, not thinking about someone in specific.
It was more general.
About a poor man I once met.
There has been many.
The Love Journey of Lakshmi
I had to think of a poor man’s love, not thinking about someone in specific.
It was more general.
About a poor man I once met.
There has been many.
It is a sense of belief I had.
I don’t think you can really call it an epiphany.
That a community can bring so much more than we think about.
Not just the security and safety as a base to start from.
But it can give those experiences that are good for the heart and soul.
Partying as an example. Drinking till early in the morning.
Being shit faced and still showing up for that sunday breakfast.
While we try to keep our eyes open and everyone around knows exactly where we have been and not even feeling sorry for us. Perhaps even laughing a little bit, not just behind our back, also not laughing in our face.
Enough to feel just that, where we will remember till this day.
It could be the only way to go, to grow up and become.
Or finding the one we love.
It is where we are doing things that are on the edge, perhaps even we know we shouldn’t do.
Or at least when we think about it later, telling ourselves that it was a bit tricky, yes.
However there is no regret, just a smile on the face to capture that moment that somehow still is there.
Making us feel alive from the inside.
Richness in its essence, it is to understand the value of things.
Money is just a part of that.
Not the end and not the beginning.
Not an importance to live by or a way of identifying yourself with.
Because to me that is poor.
But who I am?
I am just Lakshmi