It was something that was said to me today.
Something that I was feeling for some time I wanted to write about.
I was teaching a yoga class and one of the girls came to me afterwards.
She said, ‘I don’t know of the women actually understand what you were saying and if the class is effective to them’.
The women I am teaching are refugees and they don’t fully comprehend the language I am speaking.
But I answered her question.
I told her that yoga is not about the language that we speak, or that we need to hear all the words to understand the meaning.
I said : ‘Especially when it comes to a language that is foreign to us and we don’t know exactly what is being said. We are pushed back to our body, thoughts and feelings’.
‘This is where we come back to ourselves and find that place we feel safe’.
‘This goes beyond any language and is to me the essence of yoga’.
‘To come back home to who we are’.
What the connection is to my love journey?
It is that for some time I am seeing a lot of content passing about interracial couples.
As much as I think it is nice to see the different people that are in this kind of relationship.
It is something underneed the surface that to me is feeling off.
I mean, wherever people go, there is a chance of meeting someone.
Whatever race that might be.
That is no rocket science.
I don’t want to say that some of these people had struggles with their family’s acceptance of being in this kind of relationship.
At least that is something I can come up with, having this kind of connection.
However to me, the way I have been experiencing this content, to be an interracial couple.
Where I doubt and race questions to myself if this is really love.
It comes across that being in this kind of relationship is very special.
But since the world has become fluid and it is so easy to travel it is not that hard to meet someone from another race.
I am saying this again, to make it fully understand that it is really not that special.
Not to even name some of the reasons why people from different races come together.
War or economic reasons.
Escaping religion or reasons of the same manner.
To find shelter with a partner.
That it is just practical.
However there are also lighther reasons, that there are no other options of love or just being lost in a fantasy. This dream to be with someone from another culture.
Perhaps to fulfill a lack of the ego.
But of course I am just a spectator of content.
What do I know about love, really?
As I am still single, I am aware of that.
But I also know that I am still on this side for a reason.
Because when it comes to interracial couples, I know I will at one point be one half it.
It is no rocket science in the sense of the previous meaning.
But more, that I have always been in interracial relationships.
Standing on the side of being single, it is something that will stay and not change.
It is not a question to myself, or better to say it is a choice I once made.
I don’t even want to say a wish of my soul.
But a longing to feel home.
That I feel is found being in an interaccial relationship.
Not from a place of lack, but a place that is resourceful.
Because when it is a lack, it isn’t love and then I should love myself first.
What I have learned, not only teaching and practicing yoga.
Something I didn’t tell the girl in my class.
When it comes to being in an interracial relationship, it is not only about trusting our senses, where we come back to ourselves and have this feeling of being safe.
But in a world where this physical place called home is for me still unknown.
Although I can find it with myself.
To me it is welcome that whenever I am a bit lost I can come home to my partner.
It sounds to me healthy if he feels the same way.
Because a relationship to me is where we can fill our cup, when the other one’s is empty.
Better to say, a balance I can live with.
For me when it comes to being an interaccial couple, according to myself, it is this fracture we face, where we don’t fully understand and comprehend one another.
This is where we can grow and become a better version of ourselves.
Perhaps even as a couple.
However that remains the question and I will have to see once I am there.