‘Do you understand that when you unfollow someone on Instagram it is hurting their feelings?’
‘No’, I replied. ‘I don’t understand that’.
‘I don’t experience it in this way, because it doesn’t say anything, besides the fact that I am not following you on Instagram anymore’, I continued.
‘Also they are not my feelings and I don’t have to take care of them’.
‘I don’t have to take care of your feelings, if it is hurting you (or your feelings) that I unfollow you on Instagram’.
‘These are yours to take care of’.
‘Besides that, there are many reasons why people stop following each other on Instagram’.
I was still talking.
‘To go and try to figure out why someone unfollowd you, is a dead end. You will not find any answer there’.
Just some advice I am giving you.
‘For me, to follow you or not follow you on Instagram and also on Facebook, it is not a measurement of a friendship and I don’t think we should identify friendship by being friends on Social Media’.
‘Social Media isn’t real life’.
‘It is a virtual reality’.
‘Because honestly my friends wouldn’t want to bind me over for following me on Instagram or not’.
‘If you were a friend of mine, you would come to me and ask, if it was really bothering so much, ‘why did you unfollow me on Facebook or Instagram?’
And I would give you an answer, why I did that and it would make sense that it had nothing to do with you. You would be at peace, because you would understand it is not connected to you, but to me’.
‘Moreover I would never hurt anybody, especially not by ‘unfollowing on Instagram’.
I honestly think that is the weakest thing to do.
A lack of courage and respect for yourself. Not for the other.
But perhaps you didn’t know that.
If I knew that it would hurt you, I would have come to you indeed, before I did such a thing.
I would explain it to you, to not make you feel bad indeed.
But frankly I don’t have to do that, because it has nothing to do with you in the first place.
You are free to follow and unfollow as you like.
The message of love here is ‘Instagram is not that important’.
It is just Instagram.
Just a tool to share creativity and wisdom, to bring people forward in life.