We are what we are surrounded by.
Or at least what we ought to be.
And that can have many meanings.
It is our surroundings that tells us something.
About where we are and where we are going.
What is lacking or something we are wanting.
What we dream of or something we need to let go of.
Perhaps the environment we are in is even more important.
Or at least where it starts.
We can even call it an environment of love.
Or just my imagination that sets off.
Cloud nine is a nice place to be.
Where I can rest and let reality be for whatever it is.
A vacation for my mind, to come back down to earth.
To this environment of love.
A pond where we can bait.
What is necessary for us to gain.
A perspective we need to see.
An insight or just something that is as light as a feather.
Whatever it holds or entails.
For everyone specific or just in general.
This environment is set up like that for us to understand what is there for us to know.
What is out there and where we can connect to.
To get us excited for the road ahead or even know what is within our reach.
Isn’t that beautiful?
At least a world that I am experiencing.
I like to share it with you in this story.
If you don’t mind at least.
It is where I was finding myself in a scene.
Listening to what others were saying.
Then I was reading a story.
A girl wrote it.
One she liked to share with me.
She also wrote a story, which was what she told me.
It was about her boyfriend, she said.
It was in English, so her boyfriend could read it.
He came from England.
But perhaps it is not really necessary for this story to know.
She sent the text to my phone and that is where I was reading her story.
Phrases about her experience.
Of how she met her boyfriend.
Somewhere abroad.
‘Scene of falling in love’, is what I like to call it.
If I would have to give that story a title.
Where they were when they met.
What she thought was attractive about him.
It was very poetic.
The way she had written those sentences.
To use that kind of writing to express what she was feeling.
She liked him very much.
Just something I was getting from her story.
Sweet also to read that kind of vulnerability.
‘Very nice!’ Beautiful and dreamy’. Is how I responded to her sharing.
Something I wrote back to her.
To give my gratitude to her braveness.
Sharing your deepest feelings is something just that and also very scary.
Not something I could relate to.
I just have a soft and gentle heart.
But perhaps one day it will happen to me and I can share my own ‘scene of falling in love’.
How I met him, what I like about him and describe in my own way what I think I find attractive about him.
His eyes are one thing that is for sure.
And his hair will be blonde.
Something I already wrote down.
The good thing is my stories are already in English.
So, I don’t have to worry anymore about that.
Not to say he is from England, however I believe we will be speaking english.
That my stories are already in English, is just convenient.
Sounds romantic to me.
Because I believe when it comes to love, or even falling in love, there is enough for everyone.
And it could be that this is a surrounding I am in right now.
Falling in love.
Not a mindset or something that is considering someone else.
However, a state of being that runs through our own system.
Is a different way of putting it.
An environment. A space that holds ground.
Where we are making the steps to just do that.
Falling love.
Because we are what we are surrounded by.