A poor man’s love.
I don’t know anymore how I came up with this title.
But it felt to me like a proper story.
Not just one for my Instagram, where I share shorter stories or that wants to be expressed there.
I had to think of a poor man’s love, not thinking about someone in specific.
It was more general.
About a poor man I once met.
There has been many.
Poor in the sense of having not so much money to start with, because that is a form of poverty that we know.
However to me it doesn’t mean that if you don’t have much money that you are poor.
For me it is how you are handling it.
You can have a lot of money and spend it like water.
In the sense of being careless about it, that sounds poor to me.
I don’t think I have met that kind of man, however I am also not that interested in such a person.
I have met some that were poor in their mind. How their minds were set, believing they were someone they weren’t or just keeping up a form of identity not to take responsibility for themselves.
Poor that is to me, perhaps even sad just a little.
Not having any self esteem or any awareness about themselves or surroundings.
Having a lack of attention to the things needing to be done or just in general having no clue what to do. Handling any kind of situation. Walking away pretending nothing happened.
Perhaps that isn’t really poor, but I consider that the same category.
Poor in the way of talking, I am not even speaking about communicating.
They had no idea what they were saying or what it was they were telling.
Just another form of poverty to me.
It made me feel stupid to be around these people, although I wasn’t and I am not.
Perhaps it is just a representation of who they are and it is coming through to me.
That could be.
Just an answer for myself there.
Some were showing all their glitters, to think that is something I would fall for, let alone be interested in.
Buying me champagne on the first date as an example.
I don’t know where this person came up with that idea.
To this day it is still a mystery to me.
Not that this is an invitation to know, just that it made me wonder why this happens.
That there are girls and women out there that are accepting this kind of behavior.
It sounds a bit stupid to me. Childish and foolish even.
Men I have met that couldn’t have control. In any sense.
No control over me, which basically said they didn’t have control over themselves.
And what not I am forgetting.
Unsafe I felt around those men, they scared me a lot.
That feeling it was giving me from the inside. Horrific to feel that.
I don’t really think it is poor, perhaps even lower than that, but let’s not go there.
Other men I have met wanting all at once or as fast as possible.
A bit greedy, is how it came across to me.
It was quite unattractive I have to say.
Just showing another form of poor man’s love that was unknown to me.
To me, all those examples I have come across on this journey of love. It doesn’t say anything about me or where I am coming from. Just some men I have met until this far.
Laying ground for other forms of men that are out there.
Since I am collecting rarities of love.
However it is not just that.
I am sharing discoveries of what I have seen around me, until this moment of my life.
I call it my journey of love.
Not to say I have been with some of those.
Perhaps they wanted to.
I honestly don’t know.
What I mean is that I have seen this kind of man.
Many forms of them I considered and were able to abstract.
Something I was able to transmute in this story.
About a poor man’s love.
Whatever that means.
Or just the title of the story.
Since I don’t know exactly what kind of love that is. Just that this is out there.
For me to share with the world around me something I believe I should be doing.
What I have learned is that we get what we believe we deserve.
So, let’s see what that is.
But if it says something about me, like I believe it says something about these kinds of men.
That they are poor the way I have been describing and explaining.
I believe I have a certain identity that is not meeting a poor man’s love.
I am far from poor, let me say it like this, since I am able to see the world through this kind of lens.
Even when I don’t know that love part of the poor man I think is out there.
I believe it just sounds nicer as this title than to say the poor man I have met or the explanation as such.
Whatever that truly means, I don’t know.
I was just being a little bit philosophical there.
But you get what I am saying, because you deserve to know what is out there.
To make you understand about a poor man’s love and you can base your choice on if you want to be with that kind of person or to refrain from that kind and find a love that suits you best.
Even if that is a poor man’s love, since we shouldn’t exclude this type.
I mean, if you choose to be with this kind of person I am more than happy for you and for you to know nobody can say what you should or shouldn’t do.
Please don’t ever base your choice on what someone is telling you.
On any topic, not just love.
I just go with what I find and share it with the world as I know.
Because keeping it to myself, takes out the fun and the world is just nicer when we can laugh together about some foolishness.
Shared joy is double joy is how they call this in English.
As for a poor man’s love.
I honestly have no words anymore. Used them all and that perhaps it is the last thing that says about this kind of a person.
For me to continue on this road of what more is there.
If it happens to be a some other than a poor man I will let you know for sure.