There is something I want to say and set straight about arranged marriage.
After my father died and my mother was left with me.
It was the opinion of white people I believed.
That women fall back on nothing and stand by themselves.
No support, no nothing.
Alone and lonely, perhaps even drowned in sorrow and misery.
It could all be.
However the older I get, it is that I understand, from my mother’s experience, perhaps I have even seen when I was together with her.
It is that we, Indian women are built this restitant.
It is not something we think that when the husband falls away, that we are lost.
Speaking about Indian women from lower castes.
Honoring here my late mother.
It is that we know we can fall back on our anchestors and spirual guides, you can even call it an inner compass.
Perhaps a new kind of Independance, that I am speaking about.
One that makes me aware, that I can live without my family.
Although being with them is healing to me.
A long journey that is ending, I have to say a mission accomplished.
My sight was troubled, perhaps even blinded by western opinions.
Just for me to know I am built to be resistant to live.