Welcome to this website, my love journey.
In the ‘Reason of Writing’ I am explaining how it came that I started writing and what it was that developed into this website. Also what is there for you, to read these stories.
I write in the ‘Reason of Writing’ that I never had an intention of writing, nor any experience.
However I felt an urge, a necessity to write, without even knowing what it was about.
I just sat and wrote.
Not even paying attention to the words I was putting on black on white.
Sitting in coffee places, not mainly drinking coffee or eating cake.
For me writing is a natural born talent.
Not that I was born with it, but when this was born, it grew naturally.
On me.
The way it is connected to me, is that I can make stories out of the things I see, feel, experience.
Honestly, I don’t know when I wake up what it is that I will be experiencing.
I have the ability to make a story out of it.
Perhaps it is a gift that grew on me.
I write to process, for myself to understand, to move forward in life.
However it is also for you to understand, to take what is yours.
The writing comes from a place where I can transmute real life experiences, conversations, songs, vlogs, basically anything and somehow I make it into a story.
The stories.
There is enough.
And many more to come and follow.
Written from my heart, with love.