That was just a headline of a short article I saw passing.
Nothing particular that I wanted to read.
It was perhaps some curiosity that caught my eye.
And yes, as a single woman in my mid thirties I was open to know what the articles had to say about this. That I am in my mid thirties, is maybe not so important.
Don’t we all just have men loving us?
Saying this of course from a single woman’s perspective.
My mind went spinning, when reading this article.
‘Ok, so this is why I am single!’.
‘I am doing something wrong’.
But was I?
It was not the tone of the article that made me feel like this, however, could an article make you feel unworthy?
Make you question your own worth of why it is that you are not having men drooling after you.
That you are this ‘some kind of woman’, that still didn’t understand how to make a man hunt you down. Not to say, to keep him hunting you.
And why is it so important that a man should hunt you down?
Is this really what life is about?
Better to say, is this what love is about?
I was scanning the article.
Going through these 5 trades, to understand what this type of woman has, that apparently all men have loving them.
‘Was it just 5 trades?’ I was thinking.
Something easy to reach or almost not reachable at all?
It was confusing me.
It didn’t make sense anymore to me.
Should love be like this?
And if this was connected with being this type of woman.
If it came together like this.
Would I want to be this type?
I felt pushed, I felt I didn’t make it.
I was in my mid thirties and I wasn’t this type of woman.
I had failed in life.
And as a woman.
Because I wasn’t this type of woman and I didn’t do these things.
That was the reality of it.
And after reading the article, I didn’t want to do these things.
At all.
Should an article really make you feel like this?
We go by the articles we read and see them for the truth.
I don’t even know anymore if this should be a question or not.
But the more I was reading and realizing all these things that I was feeling, I started asking.
Shouldn’t a type of woman outline that women are a part of a package?
A package of so much more.
Of just 5 trades.